Monday, 29 September 2008


林俊杰&蔡卓妍 《小酒窝 》完整版抢先听

我还在寻找 一个依靠和一个拥抱
谁替我祈祷 替我烦恼 为我生气为我闹
幸福开始有预兆 缘分让我们慢慢紧靠
然后孤单被吞没了 无聊变得有话聊 有变化了

小酒窝长睫毛 是你最美的记号
我每天睡不着 想念你的微笑
你不知道 你对我多么重要
小酒窝长睫毛 迷人的无可救药
我放慢了步调 感觉像是喝醉了
一辈子暖暖的好 我永远爱你到老

幸福开始有预兆 缘分让我们慢慢紧靠
然后孤单被吞没了 无聊变得有话聊 有变化了

小酒窝长睫毛 是你最美的记号
我每天睡不着 想念你的微笑
你不知道 你对我多么重要

小酒窝长睫毛 迷人的无可救药
我放慢了步调 感觉像是喝醉了
一辈子暖暖的好 我永远爱你到老

WO~小酒窝长睫毛 迷人的无可救药
我放慢了步调 感觉像是喝醉了
一辈子暖暖的好 我永远爱你到老



【ShareMTV】周杰伦 稻香 MV完整版


Saturday, 27 September 2008

My Sassy Girl- My Girl

Watched "My Sassy Girl" last week. Nice.
Besides "I believe", I love the song 'My Girl" by The Temptations too. It's an old song.

Some cute scenes in the movie with "My Girl" as background song. ^^ Enjoy!

The Temptations

The temptations- My girl (1964)

I've got sunshine on a cloudy day.

When it's cold outside I've got the month of May.

I guess you'd say What can make me feel this way?

My girl (my girl, my girl)

Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).

I've got so much honey the bees envy me.

I've got a sweeter song than the birds in the trees.

I guess you'd say What can make me feel this way?

My girl (my girl, my girl)

Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).

Hey hey hey Hey hey hey Ooooh.

I don't need no money, fortune, or fame.

I've got all the riches baby one man can claim.

I guess you'd say What can make me feel this way?

My girl (my girl, my girl) Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).

I've got sunshine on a cloudy day with my girl.

I've even got the month of May with my girl (fade)

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Let's Learn Korean!---Self-introductions

Hi! Today, we'll learn basic self-introductions when meeting someone for the first time.

I'll start by introducing myself then.

안녕하세요? 저는Jingrong입니다. 처음 뵙겠습니다.
Annyeonghaseyo? Cheoneun Jingrong-imnida. Cheoum boepgesseumnida.
Hello. I'm Jingrong. How do you do?

"안녕하세요?" means "Are you at peace?", or simply means "hello."

저 (cheo) means I.
는 (neun) is the topic marking particle. It refers to the topic in the sentence made.
So, "저는" just means "I". I'm referring to myself.

"입니다"(im-ni-da) means "to be". In this case, it means "is".

처음 뵙겠습니다 (Cheo-um boep-ge-sseum-ni-da) literally means "I'm meeting you for the first time," but we use it to imply "How do you do" when you meet someone for the first time. It's a bit difficult to pronounce. View the video below to listen to the actual pronounciations.

(Pretending that munyee and Jialian meet each other for the first time.)

Munyee: 안녕하세요? 저는Munyee입니다. 처음 뵙겠습니다.
Annyeonghaseyo? Cheoneun Munyee-imnida. Cheoum boepgesseumnida.
Jialian: 안녕하세요? 저는Jialian입니다. 처음 뵙겠습니다.
Annyeonghaseyo? Cheoneun Jialian-imnida. Cheoum boepgesseumnida.

Munyee: Hello. I'm Munyee. How do you do?

Jialian: Hello. I'm Jialian. How do you do?

Cannot really find a video that conveys the exact thing. It's a little bit different here but they convey the same thing. Note @ time 00.14

He's speaking both korean and japanese.

Note time 00.55

Note: 만나서 반갑습니다 (Man-na-seo ban-gap-seum-ni-da) means "nice to meet you". You can use this in your greetings too.

안녕하세요? 저는 Jingrong입니다. 처음 뵙겠습니다. 만나서 반갑습니다.
Hello. I'm Jingrong. How do you do? It's nice to meet you.

That's it for today. 감사합니다! (Gamsahamnida-thank you!) ^^

Tuesday, 23 September 2008


《陆》 即将登场……


Monday, 22 September 2008

Let's Learn Korean!---You're welcome!

Hi. Today, we will learn how to respond to "감 사 합 니 다" (gamsahamnida-thank you).

천 만 에 요 Cheonmaneyo
It is equivalent to English "You're welcome". This phrase is very formal.

아 니 에 요 Anieyo
It's translates "It's not", it's like "It's nothing", "don't mention it". It's not as formal but used much more frequently.

That's all for today! See you! 안녕! =)

Credits to:

Sunday, 21 September 2008

Let's Learn Korean!---Thank you!

안녕하세요! ^^

Today, we will learn how to say thank you. There are actually several ways to say thank you, depending on the politeness level. The level of respect differs according to relationship. Most of you would have known the first one---

감 사 합 니 다 Gamsahamnida
It's respectful, and is used towards strangers and those who you wish to respect.

고 맙 습 니 다 Gomapseumnida
It's also respectful but used less frequent. 감 사 합 니 다 is a little bit more respectful than 고 맙 습 니 다.

대 단 히 감 사 합 니 다 Daedanhi gamsahamnida
Dae-dan-hi gam-sa-ham-ni-da
It has the highest level of gratitude. Literally, it means "great thanks".

고 마 워/고 마 워요Gomawo/Gomawoyo
This can only be used with close and intimate friends and family.

Whenever you are in doubt, just use the formal type 감 사 합 니 다 or고 맙 습 니 다.

1)감 사 합 니 다. Gamsahamnida. Thank you. (The most formal)
2)고 맙 습 니 다. Gomapseumnida. Thank you. (Formal)
3)대 단 히 감 사 합 니 다. Daedanhi gamsahamnida. Thank you. (Great thanks)
4)고 마 워/고 마 워요. Gomawo/Gomawoyo. Thanks. (Informal)

For someone that is older than you, it's essential to use the formal term. Unless it's someone that you know you won't offend him or her, like your best friend, you can use the informal term.

Woah! Is that too much to absorb? Haheho… if cannot just remember gamsahamnida. I shall end here and see you next time!
안녕! (See you!)

Credits to:

Friday, 19 September 2008

Let's Learn Korean!---안 녕 하 세 요!

안 녕 하 세 요! (Annyeong haseyo!)

Hi. Recently, I'm very interested in learning Korean language but I'm actually learning it at a slow pace (as I'm having my A level soon). While I'm learning Korean, I hope to share the knowledge with you because Korean language is just too interesting and fascinating to learn! As you know more about Korean, you will most probably realize that it is not a difficult language to learn.

Here are some of the reasons:
1) Korean words are made up of only a few hangul alphabets and if you memorize them and their respective pronunciations (trust me, it's easy), you can OWN le! You can easily decipher the pronunciations of any unknown Korean words by looking at them even for the first time.
ㅎ (h)+ㅏ (a) +ㄴ (n) =한 han

ㄱ (g) +ㅜ (u) +ㄱ (k) =국 guk

Thus, 한국 is pronounced as han guk which means Korea.
I'll go through the hangul alphabet system in detail next time.

2) If you are a Chinese (or also a hokkien--bonus), you will find some of the pronunciations of Korean words quite similar to the related Chinese or hokkien version. So, it actually speeds up your learning.
E.g. Mountain 산 (San)
Book 책 (Chaek)

3) It is just too nice and cute when you converse in Korean. If you watch Korean drama, you will most probably agree with me right? Haheho… However, it's not always "yo yo" here and there, depending on the politeness level.

Let's start to learn the most basic phrase but I think most of you would have heard it before already.

안 녕 하 세 요 ---Annyeong haseyo

Let's break down the words:

안 녕 하 세 요 An-nyeong-ha-se-yo
안녕 (An-nyeong) means peace. The second half, 하세요 (ha-se-yo) generally means "to do".

Directly translating is like "Are you at peace?" but actually it just means "hello" or "How are you?". You can use it in the morning, afternoon and at night! Convenient right? Haheho…

Sample conversation:
Jingrong: 안 녕 하 세 요! (Hello!)
Munyee: 안 녕 하 세 요. (Hello.)

haheho... random... =P
Hope you guys like this and start to appreciate korean!!!

감사합니다!(Kamsahamnida!) ^^

Thursday, 18 September 2008

《19岁的清纯》열아홉순정(Pure 19)

很久以前就想post了。这部韩剧我从今年六月的时候看到现在,不过至今才做了多过一半的一点点。总共167集,但是新加坡的1集比原来的长,所以应该差不多130集就做完了吧(现在是90集了)。我不会说它是一部非常好看的戏,只不过比起8频道同档播出的戏剧,我选择了前者。虽然有点长气,但它是我每天都会准时收看的节目。这部其实是2006的KBS drama series。其中三个主角算是那时的新人。当然啦,样貌比起新加坡的……


内容: 杨菊花因为家里的经济状况不好,决定国际结婚,就离开延边搭上了开往首尔的船。在陌生的地方等待她的不是洁白的婚纱,而是要做她丈夫的尸体。最终菊花在连一个人都不认识的陌生地被丢下了。但她以乐天、积极的性格克服各种困难,绝不泄气,终于找到真爱,并结婚了。


梁菊花(具惠善饰演)  “19岁,不算是小,我可以爱你吗?”  像在6月的葱田里拔出来的葱根一样又新鲜又充实的,没被常世污染的无公害姑娘,延边girl。菊花虽然小的连寒毛也看得见,但因为家里的经济状况不好,所以懂事很早。对任何事都以乐观、勇敢的态度面对,在什么情况下都不打影子。以倔强劲儿活,以倔强劲儿死。又明朗又率直的机灵鬼。  别看她外表纯洁、柔嫩,似地下却是个丢三落四又频出乎意料。一看到不义的事,就忍不住跳出来。性格上还有些急躁。总之是决不能小看的纯粹的姑娘。  还有,她非常土,土得不得了!!  白色袜子、喇叭裙、圆领巾和在长发上的卡子,这些打扮让我们想起70年代的电影。她特有的气质还正好配她本人。

朴润厚(徐智锡饰演)  “看着她,就笑口常开。虽然不想承认,但一看到那个土得要命的女人心就嘣嘣直跳。这是爱情吗?”  父亲是尖端未来通信公司‘UT'的CEO,母亲是韩式厨师。是被遗传最上级基因的帅哥,身材超棒,十全十美的UT公司计划部的理事。外号是iceman,对每件事都要求完美,没有一点儿余地,自尊心很强,说话很直率,不容易让别人接近自己。他喝咖啡时要求固定的温度,放文件夹也有顺序,接电话也有自己的礼节…因为接近洁癖症的挑剔性格,他的秘书平均两个月换人。  总而言之是个以自己的骄傲生活的家伙!  但是,仔细看起来他却有很多缺点,胆子也小。  从小学到大学走的都是精英过程,没经历过失败,因此自然不懂生活上的细节。因为初恋的失败,所以不相信爱情。不,他相信爱情本来就是不存在的东西。一句话说就是不懂爱的男人。但是他确实有能力能够保护自己。

洪友京(李民宇饰演)  “不良公主朴润珍,这个女人到底从哪儿开始修理?”  洪老爷的长孙,  又热情又温柔又心宽的男型,进UT公司,现在在计划部工作。  跟润厚是大学同窗。  跟从基层开始的自己不同,润厚托父亲的福一下子成为公司的理事。一般的人都会不服气,但绝不露出半点不平之意,表面上仍然毕恭毕敬。  因为从小学习优秀、态度端正,所以一直爷爷和父母一直期待有加。其实洪老爷想将西装制作的家业传给他,但因为友京妈一直没开过口。  但是因为友京从小到大看到爷爷和小伯伯做西装,自然产生了对西装的兴趣。

朴润珍(李允芝饰演)  “2006年的新版《温达和平江公主》里的他和我,但爱情是像原版一样的真实~”  润厚的妹妹,像小娃娃一样的外貌,但拥有塑料心脏。是个从小对学习不感兴趣,只关心如何打扮,喜爱名牌儿的名牌girl。  脑子里的东西还不到最大容量的一半,空荡荡的。讨厌复杂、难解的事。应此她的朋友们给她起了个黄萝卜的外号(韩语的意思是单纯、无知、乱闹)。本人是不知道朋友们不理自己的公主派。上大学的4年期间一次也没在图书馆借过书,对学业毫不关心。把每天从首尔到地方城市用轿车通学的事当作开车兜风。用一句话可以说充满傲慢、虚荣心的疯丫头。  大学一毕业,她妈妈想借助她年轻的优势把她处理掉,因此让她相亲,因此每个周末都有相亲的安排。忙的时候,甚至一周三次相亲。上学的时候什么都玩儿,但在男人的面前却是假装淑女。但她也有个优点:因为不想动脑子,所以绝不会算计别人。也很会撒娇,纯真并坦率。




















Friday, 12 September 2008

What's your korean name???

Surname: according to your birth year (take the last number of your year, e.g. "8" in 1988)
0 : Park
1 : Kim
2 : Shin
3 : Choi
4 : Song
5 : Kang
6 : Han
7 : Lee
8: Sung
9: Jung

'MIDDLE' NAME: your birth month
1 : Yong
2 : Ji
3: Je
4 : Hye
5 : Dong
6 : Sang
7 : Ha
8 : Hyo
9 : Soo
10 : Eun
11 : Hyun
12 : Rae

Lastly, your birth date is your name
1: Hwa
2 : Woo
3 : Joon
4 : Hee
5 : Kyo
6 : Kyung
7 : Wook
8 : Jin
9 : Jae
10 : Hoon
11 : Ra
12 : Bin
13 : Sun
14 : Ri
15 : Soo
16 : Rim
17 : Ah
18 : Ae
19 : Neul
20 : Mun
21 : In
22 : Mi
23 : Ki
24 : Sang
25 : Byung
26 : Seo
27 : Gun
28 : Yoo
29 : Sup
30 : Won
31 : Sub


Haheho... So what's your name??
My name is Park Hyo Hee.

Oh my! Mun yee, yours is Park Soo Soo.
Shu min, Park Rae Sub
Xue Lian, Park Soo Kyo

We are all Park family!^^

(JJ Lin Jun Jie, Kim Je Gun)

Friday, 5 September 2008


神木与瞳!!! Y2J

《為你而活》 完整MV

《武裝的薔薇》 MV完整版 (我比较喜欢这首。)


空气渐渐的凝结 重复着将我破碎
一再的试探诡辩 想考验谁的极限
不再容忍你的罪 挥手再见

我看不见 你说的后悔
我不在乎 你的感觉
你的抱歉 是最后的纪念
武装的蔷薇 倔强的凋谢


空气渐渐的凝结 重复着将我破碎
怎么追 怎么追 怎么追
一再的试探诡辩 想考验谁的极限

我看不见 你说的后悔
我不在乎 你的感觉
你的抱歉 你最后的纪念
武装的蔷薇 倔强的凋谢

走到终点 烛火熄灭
残缺世界 一片漆黑
攀附边缘 蔓生纠结

我看不见 你的后悔
我不在乎 你的感觉
你的抱歉 最后纪念
武装的蔷薇 最后倔强的凋谢

Thursday, 4 September 2008

빅뱅 BIG BANG---하루하루 Haru Haru

Recently quite addicted to this song.

[English Subbed] Big Bang - Haru Haru MV

You can find the (korean,romanized and eng translated) lyrics here:

The story is something like the girl had cancer. She pretended to go out with another guy(TOP) so that the one she loved(GD) would not be too hurt when she leaves.