Sunday, 1 March 2009

So what now?

I don't like my new job. Too challenging for me. How ah. Still have to bear with it for another 3 months.

Hope I can cope with it. >< Somemore, my sore throat is not okay. Tomorrow have to start talking for the whole day till friday. It will only worsen my condition la.

I'm daoing my driving for a moment. May be switching to private which is much cheaper from what my cousin said.

Most probably this Friday getting results. *Nervous*

Took some photos during class bbq yesterday at phyllis's house. Shall upload tomorrow or later.
Today no time man. Morning tuition, returned home, ate lunch, ironed clothes, bathed, read newspaper, mugged my job stuff, dinner, watched she diao, then now online.

(What am I living for?)

I still haven't decide on the university course I want.

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