Thursday, 12 February 2009


Chae Yeon & Tablo Cut (English Subbed)

Their version of 大长今... Haheho... funny...

Bae Seul Gi rapping with Tablo on LoveLetter

I would love to rap.
OH my. Tablo made that jump! *-*

Tablo from Epik high, English rapping special

Feel like rapping now...

I cannot emb it here. ><>

[ENG SUBS] Tablo's Music Core Star Pap

haheho! This is really interesting. They just crept into Tablo's house when he was sleeping deeply on his bed. DJ accidentally dropped a metal thingy and awoke Tablo.
"Who's there??!!"
"Why are you all in my house?? Making some kind of film about my house?" He was still ignorant for quite some time... haha...
"What's that been covered?"
"NO NO! Don't touch it!"
DOLLS. Oh my! Those dolls/figures are so cute!!
Tablo still covering in his blanket. -.-"
"Hajima hajima! The head!" haheho!
Anyway, 'hajima' means 'don't do that'.

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